Thank you

“In the darkness of my dreaming
the light of you will stay.”

R. Ryan, If I Could Be Where You Are

Ewa Młynarczyk as Ewa of Avalon in the drawing by Barbara Sobczyńska
Illustration by © B. Sobczyńska

To every person of good will who contributed to this site, helping me carry the lamp of memory about Ewa throughout the ‘dark night of the soul’ — I thank you from the bottom of my heart — in particular:

  • Professor Grażyna Bystydzieńska from the Institute of English Studies of the University of Warsaw — for her kindness, empathy, time devoted to me, help in collecting a lot of valuable information, and heartfelt patronage over the whole project.
  • Jakub Niedziela — for constant and invaluable support, translation of texts into English, calligraphy of the logotype, help in preparing Ewa’s book for publication, and for creating a spiritual space where thoughts about Ewa can be shared like daily bread.
  • Barbara Sobczyńska — for meeting the challenging mission of creating one-of-a-kind artwork for the website and the cover of Ewa’s doctoral dissertation, thus making her their unique Heroine.
  • Director of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, Professor Agnieszka Piskorska — for good will and declared readiness to publish Ewa’s doctoral dissertation by the Institute.
  • Ms Dorota Traczewska and Ms Dr Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko from the research group From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria — for donating three volumes with Ewa’s articles, and for the heartening words that worth their weight in gold.
  • David Robertson from Brontë Adventures — for his kindness and help in fulfilling the idea of a bench with a plaque commemorating Ewa in magical Haworth, and for his great enthusiasm in promoting the works of her life.
  • All media Patrons: Jacqueline Banerjee of Victorian Web, Clare Stainthorp of the British Association for Victorian Studies, Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko of From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria Research Group, Małgosia of Pozdrowienia z Polski, Mr Adrian Piontek and Mr Dariusz Kowalski of internet bookstore Poltax, Mr Mariusz Dyszczyński of MD Creative, David of Brontë Adventures in Haworth and Stanbury, Górowianka.
  • Professor Anna Kędra-Kardela and Professor Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska — for sharing two articles by Ewa.
  • Publishers and Editors listed in the Articles section — for permission to publish Ewa’s texts online on this website.
  • Justyna Madeła (Karczmarczyk), Joanna Taraszkiewicz, Katarzyna Winiarska-Dudek, Aleksandra Stańczyk, Joanna Melon — for sharing and permission to use Ewa’s photos.
  • Magda — for being my Good Spirit.

Małgorzata Ewa Skibińska
translated by Jakub Niedziela